As a beginner open water swimmer I’ve always been afraid of cramps or exhaustion. Knowing that SwimmerBuddy is behind me increases my confidence. I can swim my best and rest whenever I want” ~ Kyle W.
I used to train in my pool for swim events since it was hard to get someone in a canoe to look out for me. With SwimmerBuddy I train almost everyday in the lake. I add extra weight to challenge my stroke…” ~ Jane C.
The SwimmerBuddy elicited some strange looks from testers and beach goers. However, this device provided the most visibility and storage of any of the three products tested.” ~ SWIMMER Magazine
My wife hated me swimming around the pier because no matter how hard she tried, it was always hard for her to spot me. I got this device, and now she can find me easily and remain calmed” ~ Robert T.